173 research outputs found

    Aula inversa: una historia de vida profesional/Flipped classroom: a story of professional life

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    Teniendo en cuenta la línea temática, esta contribución aborda una metodología emergente en educación, refleja una experiencia innovadora llevada a cabo en la enseñanza superior, y desarrolla la puesta en marcha de aplicaciones tecnológicas para mejorar los procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje. El propósito de este trabajo es ofrecer un análisis sucinto de la aplicación práctica de la metodología ecléctica de aula inversa, como reflejo de mi historia de vida al evidenciar su entendimiento desde una visión propia a partir de la reconstrucción de mi experiencia profesional

    Virtual leadership in educational ecosystems

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    Por la obviedad del asunto, es innegable que nuestra sociedad no se podría concebir actualmente sin los avances digitales. De una manera cotidiana, podemos observar a nuestro alrededor y darnos cuenta que en las diversas parcelas donde se desarrollan nuestras vidas la universalidad tecnológica es todo un hecho. En este sentido, la Red y la revelación de las redes sociales invaden de manera escurridiza nuestros procesos de comunicación e interacción, e igualmente impregnan y calan en los ecosistemas organizativos. En consecuencia, si zurcimos las condiciones tecnológicas con los procesos de comunicación virtual y en el seno de las organizaciones, podría deducirse que el ejercicio del liderazgo en las mismas sería un nuevo planteamiento a considerar. El e-liderazgo o liderazgo electrónico, aunque quizá sea más razonable interpretarlo por liderazgo virtual, adquiere un nuevo rumbo, caracterizado por la transformación, innovación e inclusión de otras capacidades precisas para las nuevas formas de relación de los miembros de la organización a través de la tecnología de la comunicación que implica este tipo de liderazgo.Because of the obviousness of the matter, it is undeniable that our society could not be conceived today without digital technology. In a daily way, we can observe around us and realize that in the various plots where our lives develop, technological universality is a fact. In this sense, the Network and the revelation of social networks invade our communication and interaction processes in an elusive manner, and also impregnate and permeate organizational ecosystems. Consequently, if we mitigate the technological conditions with the processes of virtual communication and within the organizations, it could be deduced that the exercise of leadership in them would be a new approach to be considered. E-leadership or electronic leadership, although it may be more reasonable to interpret it by virtual leadership, acquires a new direction, characterized by the transformation, innovation and inclusion of other precise capacities for the new forms of relationship of the members of the organization through the communication technology that this type of leadership implies

    Evaluación económica e implementación de sistema domótico en departamento habitacional ubicado en la comuna de La Florida

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    Tesis (Ingeniero Constructor)En el presente informe se realizará la evaluación y factibilidad de instalación domótica en una vivienda ya existente, tomando en cuenta factores como el consumo eléctrico promedio de una vivienda estándar y el costo promedio de ésta, limitando este consumo en energía eléctrica de iluminación y calefacción. Luego se comparará con la implementación de un sistema demótico considerando los 2 puntos mencionados anteriormente, de esta manera se incluirá el costo asociado a esta instalación y se determinará si es rentable a futuro mediante análisis de recuperación de la inversión

    Psychological Distress and Psychosocial Factors in the Non-Formal Context of Basketball Coaches in Times of the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    Psychological distress and psychosocial factors are studied in the sports context in players of various specialties, but are only little studied with coaches who carry out their work with these athletes; that is where we put the emphasis, trying to determine the perception of coaches on psychological distress and psychosocial risk factors that may influence their sports work in times of a pandemic. It is an ex post facto study with a single-group retrospective design, with a representative sample of 94 coaches out of a possible 109. The Kessler Psychological Distress Scale and the short version of the ISTAS21 Psychosocial Risk Assessment at Work Questionnaire were adapted to the sports context. The results show that the youngest, those with the least experience and level 1 and level 2 coaches show the highest levels of stress. According to the psychosocial risk assessment, level 1 and 2 coaches, with experience between 6 to 10 years, are in the risk zone. Therefore, it is important to work with a group of coaches who are in the psychosocial risk zone and with high levels of psychological discomfort in order to avoid mental, emotional and physical stress, for the good performance of their work in the best possible conditions

    Optical fiber sensors based on microstructured optical fibers to detect gases and volatile organic compounds-A review

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    Since the first publications related to microstructured optical fibers (MOFs), the development of optical fiber sensors (OFS) based on them has attracted the interest of many research groups because of the market niches that can take advantage of their specific features. Due to their unique structure based on a certain distribution of air holes, MOFs are especially useful for sensing applications: on one hand, the increased coupling of guided modes into the cladding or the holes enhances significantly the interaction with sensing films deposited there; on the other hand, MOF air holes enhance the direct interaction between the light and the analytes that get into in these cavities. Consequently, the sensitivity when detecting liquids, gasses or volatile organic compounds (VOCs) is significantly improved. This paper is focused on the reported sensors that have been developed with MOFs which are applied to detection of gases and VOCs, highlighting the advantages that this type of fiber offers.This work was carried out with the financial support of MINECO (Spain) through TEC2016-79367-C2-2-R (AEI/FEDER, UE) as well as Public University of Navarre PhD grants program.This work was carried out with the financial support of MINECO (Spain) through TEC2016-79367-C2-2-R (AEI/FEDER, UE)

    Methodological aspects of SOS Children's Villages of Granada, Spain

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    El presente artículo tiene como propósito esencial dar a conocer los resultados cuantitativos de una investigación desarrollada en el centro Aldeas Infantiles SOS de Granada, destacando el análisis obtenido de la parte relacionada con la metodología utilizada en Aldeas Infantiles SOS, para potenciar la mejora de la labor profesional de los educadores.En nuestra investigación hemos utilizado el cuestionario, para recopilar la información de los aspectos metodológicos, ha guardado relación con los principios de esta naturaleza que han de guiar la intervención educativa en esta entidad: Pedagogía de la vida cotidiana, Pedagogía del afecto y la Acción tutorialThis article has the essential purpose to present the quantitative results of a research conducted at the SOS Children's Villages of Granada, highlighting the analysis obtained from the part related to the methodology used in the Organization to promote the improvement of professional work educators. In the part of questionnaire used to gather information on the methodological aspects, it has kept pace with the principles of this nature that should guide educational intervention in this state: Pedagogy of everyday life, Pedagogy of affection and tutorial action

    Group techniques as a methodological strategy in acquiring teamwork abilities by college students

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    Desde el marco del Espacio Europeo de Educación superior se promueve una adaptación del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje por medio de la renovación pedagógica introduciendo en el aula un mayor número de metodologías activas o participativas con el fin de dotar al alumnado de una mayor autonomía en dicho proceso. Para ello se debe tener en cuenta la incorporación de las competencias básicas dentro de los currículos universitarios, en especial la de “trabajo en equipo”. Mediante las técnicas de grupo el alumnado podrá adquirir destrezas interpersonales y cognitivas así como habilidades que le capaciten para enfrentarse a distintas situaciones grupales a lo largo de su trayectoria académica y profesional. Estas técnicas son necesarias no sólo como estrategia metodológica dentro del aula, sino como instrumento de reflexión en el alumnado para la valoración de su comportamiento grupal, con el fin de modificar las estrategias de conducta que hacen que las relaciones con los demás influyan en su proceso formativo. De ahí la importancia de esta competencia al sensibilizar al alumnado de forma positiva para el trabajo colectivo. Así, utilizando el método de investigación-acción en un aula universitaria durante un semestre y haciendo una intervención sistemática con distintas técnicas de grupo, conseguimos por medio de un análisis de datos cualitativos, donde el grupo de discusión y la reflexión personal han sido los instrumentos elegidos, exponer los resultados obtenidos.From the frame of the European Higher Education Space an adaptation of teaching-learning process is being promoted by means of the pedagogical renewal, introducing into the class a major number of active or participative methodologies in order to provide students with a major autonomy in said process. This requires taking into account the incorporation of basic skills within university curriculum, especially “teamwork”. By means of group techniques students can acquire interpersonal and cognitive skills, as well as abilities that will enable them to face different group situations throughout their academic and professional career. These techniques are necessary not only as a methodological strategy in the classroom, but also as a reflection instrument for students to assess their behavior in group, with an aim to modify conduct strategies that make that relationship with others influences their learning process. Hence the importance of this ability to sensitize students positively for collective work. Thus using the research-action method in the academic classroom during one semester and making systematic intervention with different group techniques, we manage to present obtained results by means of an analysis of the qualitative data, where the selected instruments are group discussion and personal reflection


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    Desde finales del siglo XX las sociedades más desarrolladas del mundo están constatando que uno de los fenómenos más destacables de sus caracterásticas sociológicas es el que se conoce con el nombre de envejecimiento de la población. Así pues, los escenarios sociales de los países más desarrollados están viéndose profundamente transformados

    Impact on the Virtual Learning Environment Due to COVID-19

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    As a result of the global pandemic caused by COVID-19, universities have carried out teaching in a digital way, accelerating the inclusion and use of technologies in methodological adaptation. The research aims to ascertain the perception that students at the Faculty of Education Sciences of the University of Granada have regarding the pedagogical model adopted in the virtual learning environment during confinement through the second semester of the 2019–2020 academic year. The information collection method was an online questionnaire, using simple random sampling with proportional affixing 0.5, 95% confidence level and maximum permissible error of 4.7%. The results demonstrate a generalised dissatisfaction of the students, being fundamental to carry out the transition of the educational processes and training of the teaching staff. The implementation of active methodologies increases due to the virtual condition, specifically the flipped classroom methodology, but students manifest generalised dissatisfaction regarding the adequate methodological development and the involvement of professors. There is an outstanding use of e-mail and the virtual learning platform (PRADO), although they consider that they do not have the appropriate knowledge about image editors, video, computer graphics, synchronous response systems and anti-plagiarism tools. The students surveyed express that the tutoring functions, tasks and beliefs of the teaching staff in e-learning are not satisfactory.Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities FPU18/0177